Based in Brussels L'Enfant Sauvage is an exhibition space dedicated to photography.
L'Enfant Sauvage wants to encourage, support and promote those who produce images of all sorts and photographic techniques.
Creating a real dialogue and exchange for a large and diverse public, this place 100% auto financed is a cultural actor that wishes to stimulate local, national and international scene by advancing the creators and putting them in first place.
L'Enfant Sauvage is also a meeting hub, a place for discovery and a creative space, providing exhibitions, workshops and other events pertaining photography throughout the year.
In addition l'enfant sauvage houses a small bookshop in partnership with tipi bookshop and editions le mullet, turning the spotlight to auto published books on photography.
L'ES doesn't stop there and publishes self-published books or fanzines by photographers exhibiting in the L'Enfant Sauvage gallery or coup de coeur.
L'ES also provides a second exhibit to support and encourage talented young artists and students throughout the year.
L'Enfant Sauvage is an adventurous cultural millipede and does not limit itself to photography but involves graphic artists, musical collectives and is open to art in many of its forms.
Keep your wild eyes open and direct your gaze to the agenda so you don't miss a thing!
Ouvert du vendredi au dimanche - 14h30 à 19h
(en fonction des expositions)