A program rich in music & photography!
Dj's Dism & Preach. we will move to the rhythm of their vinyls during these radio broadcasts which will take place approximately once a month, you will also be able to discover interviews with photographers, exhibitions to discover and other wild surprises to come!
The broadcasts will be live from L'Enfant Sauvage, sometimes live on RADIO PANIK 105.4 fm

SATURDAY 20.03.21 - 12:00 > 14:00 & 18:00 > 20:00
Launch of L'Enfant Sauvage Radio: FRUIT SAUVAGE
> From 12:00 > 14:00 Live on RADIO PANIK 105.4 fm
A program rich in music & photography: Dj's Dism & Preach. we will move to the rhythm of spring and their vinyls, we will also meet the photographers Vincen Beeckman & Kasper Demeulemeester to talk about the exhibition The Lokal Fototek Foundation, at L'Enfant Sauvage
> At 18:00 the Dj's Dism & Preach. will take the turntables to make us travel
until 20:00
You can listen to these wild waves everywhere: at home, in the street, in a field or even directly to the Wild Child!
Meet on Radio Panik this Saturday 20.03 from 12:00 to 14:00 or at L'Enfant Sauvage
WILD FRUIT will then be re-broadcast on
and social networks.