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Tipibookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage advise you their favorite book every week  

This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book Love me by Josh Kern


"For me, love is when you do things for someone or something without expecting something in return -- to dedicate yourself." J.K

The book contains about 250 notebook scans (125 visible and 125 hidden to rip open)


Love Me provides the intimate moments we’re in desperate need of right now.

Fuck Me, a visual diary of skaters, lovers and self-portraits that made all of us feel less alone. What started as a form of self-therapy turned into a profession. At first, the 26-year-old felt like he didn’t fit in but in the end, there’s always a place to hide from this exact feeling — even if it’s behind a camera.


This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book Rabbit / Hare by David Billet & Ian Kline


David Billet and Ian Kline made the pictures in Rabbit / Hare on a road trip to Texas. And right away that statement is going to create a certain set of expectations among viewers of this book.

Perhaps no other region in the United States comes with such a strong set of preconceived notions. So yes: you’ll see ten-gallon hats, a wayward confederate flag. Even a baptism in a watering trough.

But the real glory of Rabbit / Hare is how surely its makers have defied easy stereotypes: these pictures do not derive their palpable life from mere subject matter. In this book, butterflies and back hair are equally magical and mundane, as they should be.

Qualities of light are equally qualities of sensibility. The human beings in the pictures gently revel in the pleasures of riding horses, or smoking cigarettes, or exposing skin to sun and air.


This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book Push the sky away by Piotr Zbierski


Piotr photos are not a reflection of reality, instead they are the answer to existing reality : tame, known and unknown, repeatable and closed in one phenomenon, inhabited by dethroned gods of old beliefs and beset by fears of the civilization.

Everything we see in the photographs is the image of the past. However, this photographs despite direct references to the author’s life (distant travel, to “edges” of the world, meetings, conversations, memories, anxieties, the desire to penetrate himself, breaking his own uncertainty, sometimes self- alienation to the other person and vice versa) are not autobiographical record of experience.


The arrangement of these photographs – presented in a deeply thought-out way – creates a certain order of experiences, describing the passage of life of their author and – importantly – that “description” somehow à rebours, is focused not on personal experience of the Photographer, but on the encounter with a man in the world with its durability and variability, but also to the phenomenon of consistency of certain rituals expressive, gestures, emotions.

Text by Eleonora Jedlińska

This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book Echoes Shades by Piotr Zbierski


How does a culture express and communicate their ancestral connections to nature? In Echoes Shades, Piotr Zbierski turns his camera to focus on a number of different communities around the world; paying homage to their unique ceremonies and daily rituals that act as a bridge between their material reality and spiritual beliefs.


Using a number of different photographic tools, the artist develops an impressionist visual diary that reflects on his global travels and multi-cultural exchanges. Zbierski has documented shamanistic rituals in Siberia, worked closely with the Omo Vallery River tribes in Ethiopia and has experienced first hand the remembrance ceremonies for the dead practiced by the Toraja, an ethnic group indigenous to the mountainous region of South Sulawsi Indonesia. He has witnessed the ways in which the tribe’s ancestral relationship to nature provides a powerful driving force in all of these cultures.


This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book WoMan Ray: The Seduction of Photography


Man Ray, surrealist master and exponent of the Dada movement, managed to reinvent not only the photographic language, but also the representation of the body and face, as well as the genres of the nude and the portrait themselves.


This book brings together around 200 photographs produced from the 1920s right up to his death in 1976, all featuring female subjects.Through rayographs, solarisations and double exposures, the female body undergoes a continual metamorphosis of forms and meanings, becoming an abstract form, an object of seduction, classical memory or realistic portrait, in endless playful and refined variations.


This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book Kino by Ricarda Roggan


Ricarda Roggan, an artist and passionate cineaste, frequently went to the cinema between 1994 and 1999 to photograph American films. She assigned her pictures to different categories: landscape, car, street, disaster, hotel. Her photos of America tell of a land of longing, of the hunger for images and the analogue possibilities of a pre-digital age as well as of the pleasure of watching explosions in half-empty cinemas at night. Kino shows a selection of her pictures shot on high-sensitivity 35 mm film.

This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book Untouched by Guy Bourdin


Though best known for his color images, Bourdin launched his career in black and white in the early 1950s.

Guy Bourdin was a groundbreaking image-maker and undoubtedly one of the most influential fashion photographers of the twentieth century. Intriguing and revolutionary, his work has achieved a cult-like following; the striking use of color, suggestive narratives, and surrealist aesthetics establishing a visual language all his own.

Untouched explores this largely unseen work and gives insight into the early development of his photographic eye.


This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book INTERMèDE (un visage de lignes) by Anne De Gelas


The work of Anne De Gelas stretches over the days obsessively around a life experience, hers which could be that of so many others because undoubtedly so banal as it is interchangeable.


And yet the events that punctuate it are those that make the heart beat, that upset: love, birth, motherhood, loss, advancing age, death.

To speak of human experience, less to document it than to share it in a raw and sometimes violent way, with as support, mainly the book in which photographs, texts, quotes and drawings are mixed, as a means of wide dissemination.


The book as an object that we take possession of, transport, abandon and take back.


This week coup de ❤️ of Tipi Bookshop and L'Enfant Sauvage

the book  1528 by Rohit Saha 


In August 2016, after a 16-year hunger strike protesting the removal of the Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA), civil rights activist and poet, Irom Sharmila broke her fast. She began in the year 2000, in response to the unjustified killing of ten people at a bus stand by the armed forces in a village called Malom. This episode came to be known as Malom Massacre.

1528 by Rohit Saha 

Formerly known as “The Kingdom of Manipur”, a Princely State under the British, Manipur is now on of the eight norh eastern states of India. The premier river here is known as Imphal, after which the capital was also named.
Manipur is flanked by Nagaland to his north, Mizoram to its south, Assam to its west and Myanmar to its east.

The valley, which is surrounded by nine hills, is also referred to as “The Jeweled Land” owing to its oval shape.
However, since the late 1980s, Manipur was considered and termed as “disturbed state” after a brutal cycle of insurgency and counterinsurgency


The Act, as it has been enforced in Manipur – often described as a ‘disturbed state’ – allows the military to execute anyone on the mere suspicion of terrorism. It has recently been claimed that there are well over 1528 people who have died in such Extra-Judicial killings carried out by the Armed Forces between 1979 and 2012.

Rohit Saha aim is to understand the nature and scale of these fictitious clashes that are called ‘fake encounters’, keeping the landscape as witness.

By volunteering for the EEVFAM (Extra-Judicial Execution Victim Families of Manipur) – an organisation formed by the widows of victims – Rohit Saha gained insight and gathered evidence about the situation at hand. By going through victims’ testimonies as well as witness accounts, he was able to shape my current perspective – a photobook of my personal experiences.


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2024 L'enfant Sauvage - Mentions Légales,  Référencement ASI

L'Enfant Sauvage est un espace d'exposition photo 



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Rue de l'Enseignement 23

1000 Brussels

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from 13:00 until 19:00

Tags: Accrochage, Nuit des musées, Photographie contemporaine, Pellicule, Contemporains, Musée d art, Affiches, Festivals, Exposition de photos, Exposition présentée, Collections permanentes, Soirée d ouverture, Street art, Inauguration, Festival photo, Poétique, Rencontres photographiques, Temps de pose, Luminosité, Art photographique, Diaphragme, Profondeur de champ, Club photo, Quantité de lumière, Médiathèque, Sculpture, Vitesse d obturation, Obturation, Cartier bresson, Exposition photographique, Première exposition, Pavillon, Beaux Arts, Tirages, Photographier, Exhibition, Galeries, Photographiques, Artistes, Expo, Art contemporain, Photographes, Artiste, Photographe, Photographies exposées, Centre des expositions, Faire des expositions, Grands photographes, Trop sombre, Expose, Vernissage de l exposition, Doisneau, Vernissage, Surexposition, Présente des expositions, Atelier des lumières, Expositions temporaires, Grande ouverture, Philharmonie, Reflex, Photo club, Arts plastiques, Flou, Boîtier, Centre d art, Appareil photo, Prise de vue, Rétrospective, Noir et blanc, Expos, Argentique
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